Msui crashes on selecting Northern Hemisphere (stereo) from drop down menu under Top View section

Issue #388 resolved
Anveshan Lal created an issue

This error shows up on terminal: GEOS_ERROR: b'TopologyException: Input geom 1 is invalid: Self-intersection at or near point -45 0 at -45 0' Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Comments (13)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    Mmh, I cannot reproduce this. Would you be so nice and attach the logfile leading up to the crash? There is always one generated at ~/.config/mss/mss_pyui.log, but you can also manually specify a location with the --logfile command line switch. Also important, is the output of the installed conda packages ("conda list").

  2. Anveshan Lal reporter

    @ReimarBauer Yeah that did it, Sorry for making it an issue, must have missed out on that part while installing. Thank you :)

    But I manually did it, cp mss_settings.json.sample to "$HOME/.config/mss/mss_settings.json" returns mss_settings.json is not a directory, I just manually copied it from docs/sample/config/mss to .config/mss and renamed to mss_settings.json

  3. Reimar Bauer
    • changed status to open

    we have a mismatch in defaults

    the defaults vailue for the Northern Hemisphere have to become fixed arcording to the documented mss_settings.json

  4. Reimar Bauer

    @funnelferry thx for verifying where the bug is.

    Our default configuration should always define a working state. The json file is optional.

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