Top View Map Appeareance options not defined with web map services

Issue #401 resolved
Reimar Bauer created an issue

The options form of TopView has elements which can't be used when images from a web map services used.

  • [ ] fill map background Color
  • [ ] fill continents Color

We have to disable these elements for this usecase.

Comments (15)

  1. Shivashis Padhi

    Screenshot from 2019-04-25 20-12-46.png

    @ReimarBauer Can you check if "fill map background" is setChecked(True) and disabled in develop branch in your local too?

  2. Reimar Bauer reporter

    Only the color for the waypoints is handled by the gui.Bildschirmfoto von »2019-04-26 08-13-20«.png

    fill map background is disabled, but the color box chooser right of it not.

  3. Shivashis Padhi

    So an ideal functionality would be, to 1. uncheck 'fill map background' and disable 'fill continents' when wms connected 2. check 'fill map background', and enable 'fill continents' when wms disconnected.

  4. Reimar Bauer reporter

    yes, that should be a small change.

    If possible try to find the changesets which had added this feature. It looks like half implemented, if there is no option to call those images with different colors from the server. May be it was and now the problem is on another part of the codebase.

    Then it depends on the amount of changes to get that working again for fixing in stable.

  5. Shivashis Padhi
    grep -nr "cbFillWaterBodies" .
    Binary file ./mslib/msui/qt5/__pycache__/ui_topview_mapappearance.cpython-37.pyc matches
    ./mslib/msui/qt5/        self.cbFillWaterBodies = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(MapAppearanceDialog)
    ./mslib/msui/qt5/        self.cbFillWaterBodies.setEnabled(False)
    ./mslib/msui/qt5/        self.cbFillWaterBodies.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(145, 0))
    ./mslib/msui/qt5/        self.cbFillWaterBodies.setPalette(palette)
    ./mslib/msui/qt5/        self.cbFillWaterBodies.setChecked(True)
    ./mslib/msui/qt5/        self.cbFillWaterBodies.setObjectName("cbFillWaterBodies")
    ./mslib/msui/qt5/        self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.cbFillWaterBodies)
    ./mslib/msui/qt5/        self.cbFillWaterBodies.setText(_translate("MapAppearanceDialog", "fill map background"))
    Binary file ./mslib/msui/__pycache__/topview.cpython-37.pyc matches
    ./mslib/msui/        self.cbFillWaterBodies.setChecked(settings_dict["fill_waterbodies"])
    ./mslib/msui/            "fill_waterbodies": self.cbFillWaterBodies.isChecked(),
    ./mslib/msui/ui/ui_topview_mapappearance.ui:43:      <widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbFillWaterBodies">
    grep -nr "fill map background" .
    Binary file ./mslib/msui/qt5/__pycache__/ui_topview_mapappearance.cpython-37.pyc matches
    ./mslib/msui/qt5/        self.cbFillWaterBodies.setText(_translate("MapAppearanceDialog", "fill map background"))
    ./mslib/msui/ui/ui_topview_mapappearance.ui:145:        <string>fill map background</string>

    I believe this has no dependent code snippet. It might be half-implemented. I will PR the simple update.

  6. Shivashis Padhi

    Also, this change(enabling and disabling of check-boxes), should they happen after 'get_capabilities' or 'first getmap'

  7. Reimar Bauer reporter
    • changed milestone to 1.8.0

    The options form of TopView has elements which can't be used when images from a web map services used.

    • [ ] fill map background Color
    • [ ] fill continents Color

    We have to disable these elements for this usecase.

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