epsg code support warnings too annoying in practice

Issue #421 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

When working with legacy EPGS stereographic codes and legacy MSS servers, a warning pops up for every retrieved map. This does not work in practice.

I propose to add another button to disable the warnings for the current session. A better way would be to upgrade legacy MSS servers to the current release version, but that is beyond the control of the MSS development team.

I deem this a usability bug and propose to fix it in stable.r

Comments (2)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    Added a ignore button to the EPSG check

    This button will disable the checks for the current window and session. Final solution would be to update the legacy MSS servers.

    Fix issue #421

    → <<cset a054280b04f9>>

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