SideView options allow for illegal vertical range

Issue #430 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

Vertical range selection is SideView is communicated in hPa to the Server.

This allows for no “higher” altitude than 1 hPa.

In case that pressure altitude/flight level is used for selection higher altitudes than 1 hPa might be selected that cause the server to fail in produding plots.

A limit to 1hPa altitudes must be implemented for the other altitude types.

Second, one might think of using a different way of communication vertical range, but this should be backwards-compatible and is not a bug, but a feature.P

Comments (4)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    Set proper limits for vertical extent depending on used unit

    previously, the ranges for pressure altitude allowed values that cause the client to crash/the server to produce nonsensical plots. Flight level couldn't be configured to highest allowed altitudes of about 0.1hPa (slightly higher altitudes of up to 71km are fine with current conversion routines, but 0.1 hPa is a nice value only slightly below. ECMWF doesn't support higher levels. Further extension would be feasible, but requires a significant extension of conversion routines).

    Fix issue #430

    → <<cset 9a5b31ecbe48>>

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