mss server requires long time to provide capabilities document

Issue #432 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

There are at least two scenarios, where the server re-reads the files repeatedly.

One with 1.8.0 version where a file with different init time is provided and one with 1.8.1, in case the files are not in the local directory.

Comments (2)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    Fix first half of issue.

    Check failed because the root dir was missing. Best to skip the check for now. Effectively revert part of former commit.

    See issue #432

    → <<cset 7fe4b033e20f>>

  2. Reimar Bauer

    Made generating available elevation levels more efficient

    To generate available elevation levels the plot object needs to identify one timestep, for which data is available. For certain (stupid, but legal) combinations of init_times, this triggered multiple re-reads of available data. However, the data access class is always updated before this method is called. The code was simplified and restructured in a way that the data access class does not re-read files from disk by adding a have_data method, which determines known data.

    Fix issue #432

    → <<cset 472a00f06f1a>>

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