Remove tools from MSS main menu and code

Issue #476 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

For quite some time the trajectory and time series view have not been actively maintained. The time series view depends on an external web site that has changed and cannot be scraped anymore.

I propose to remove the menu entries in this release and the code in the next one. In this way, we can easily reactivate the tool in a bugfix release in case someone misses them.

Comments (7)

  1. Joern Ungermann reporter

    To properly and fully resolve this issue, the menu_Tools needs to be fully removed using the QT Designer, not just manually commented out

    In the function create_new_tool must be removed as all code from,, and as well as associated tests, classes and ui stuff that are exclusive used in those files such as the class MplTimeSeriesViewCanvas, the class MplTimeSeriesViewWidget.

    This is just the result of a superficial search for related code, but would be a very good start!

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