"Checkout" of older revisions has no effect without double-clicking the revison

Issue #485 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

No visible change of flightplan, no message in log

Comments (6)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    I tried that today, it works well for me.

    marking and enter selects, also double click and I get also the dialog to confirm on the action

  2. Joern Ungermann reporter

    This still needs to be fixed. Why do we have two levels of selection? Please remove the capability to double-click and checkout the revision selected by single-clicking it.

    Also, the checkout button should be disabled if nothing was selected.

  3. Reimar Bauer

    Removed double-clicking for change selection

    this change * checkouts the "single-click-selected" change set * gives an error message in case no change set was selected

    disabling/enabling the button depending on if something was selected would be better, but is also quite a bit more complicated. Could be circumvented by selecting the first entry by default or so...

    Fix issue #485

    → <<cset d3221f6c6c61>>

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