addition of age-of-air parameters to CLaMS plots

Issue #65 resolved
Jens-Uwe Grooß created an issue

For the Stratoclim project, further parameters from the age of air spectrum have been requested to be displayed: "median_of_age_of_air_spectrum" "fraction_below_6months_of_age_of_air_spectrum" "fraction_above_24months_of_age_of_air_spectrum" They should be added.

Comments (2)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    Addition of the following standard names to the set of CLaMS parameters "surface_origin_tracer_from_north_africa", "median_of_age_of_air_spectrum", "fraction_below_6months_of_age_of_air_spectrum", "fraction_above_24months_of_age_of_air_spectrum"

    fixes issue #65

    → <<cset a929487a2555>>

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