Output flight path text files with coordinates in different units

Issue #69 closed
Jens-Uwe Grooß created an issue

The flight path data that can be saved to files (ftml, csv and txt style) This is done in the module saveToText in file flighttrack.py

In these files the coordinate are given as decimal number in degrees. For some cases it is desirable to have the output of Latitude and longitude in degrees and minutes instead.

Best would be a user-defined switch in the UI that regulates the coordinate units in the txt file (potentially also in the CSV file)

Comments (8)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    The CSV file in particular can be readily augmented with additional output. Also, as it will be automatically parsed, adding too much information shouldnt be harmful.

    I propose to always add latitude/longitude degree/minutes plus pressure altitude in metres as additional columns and to allow to read in the old and the new format back in.

    Maybe we should add a file format version string while we modify it...

  2. Reimar Bauer

    As this data file also could be readed back as input data we have to take care that a change of the format has an update feature to a newer version. We may also need a migration procedure. Old style is what we now have in 3 flavours, xml, csv, txt

    Another option to solve this is to have only xml as operational load/save data file and an other function which makes a derived output file which is not intended to become an input file.

  3. Reimar Bauer

    @grooss I think with enabling a plugins chain anyone could add his favourite output format with all kind of different formattings.

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