Support more file formats for saving and loading flightplans

Issue #7 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

To exchange flightplans more efficiently with DLR-FX and pilots, it would be useful to have a simple human-readable exchange format and to read in also the format written by the "professional" HALO flight planning tool transparently.

Comments (4)

  1. Marc R. repo owner

    The current version already supports export to csv (the little button in the "flight performance" section of the table view) -- I think FX was able to read these once. Are you thinking of something else?

  2. Joern Ungermann reporter

    Mmh, the little button wasn't known to me and was not used during the POSLTRACC campaign. This would solve part of the issue.

    In effect, people wanted to have the information of the table view (label/lon/lat/altitude) in a "simpler" format than the FTML one (XML looks scary). Using txt/csv to store only the waypoints help a lot. To find the feature, the format is chosen by the ending/drop-down-field in the save dialog. So in addition to the XML, MSS should support also "simpler" csv and txt for its flight paths.

    FX also delivered back a text file with the updated waypoints, which can be imported using the "normal" "open flight track" feature.

    The proposed implementation is not perfect, but it works quite well. I assume that the FX CSV format contains additional performance relevant information and thus cannot be joined with the other formats?

  3. Reimar Bauer

    fixes issue #7

    Implements more formats for exchanging flight paths: TXT+CSV, whereby the TXT format may also read in the format supllied by DLR FX for HALO.

    → <<cset b7c1a1daaf5d>>

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