default flightpath based on data, or None

Issue #96 wontfix
Reimar Bauer created an issue

We should have the default initial flight path based on data given data, or empty.

  • if it is empty, disable Side View Vertical Section
  • Enable Side View Vertical Section after a flightpath was added

Comments (9)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    There is always a flight-path defined by the template in the config file. The default flightpath has an altitude of FL 0, which doesn't appear in the sideview.

    The table view prevents one to reduce the number of waypoints below two. I am not sure, if one can wrongly configure the flightpath-template to contain less than two points.

    Is this the issue at hand?

  2. Reimar Bauer reporter

    Add an error box in case that the flight track template in config file is too short.

    A too short flight track template will cause follow up errors. the program should be able to deal with it, though, it is not terminated. The error message will inform the user about the problem, so he will not be surprised by follow up errors.

    See Issue #96.

    → <<cset 57c1622be13f>>

  3. Reimar Bauer reporter

    Ok, that is an other issue you solved.

    If I start without a json config file. I have Nagpur and Delhi as initial 2 lines in the table view. If they are completly off range I add new waypoints and remove the first 2 lines.

    We could also start for this initialisation with two points dependent on the data we have.

    If they are in datarange there is also a result in side view.

  4. Joern Ungermann

    This is rather complicated to fully check and implement for rather small usability gain. There is also strange stuff happening with just two points with the same coordinates. Also loading flighttracks with less than two points will cause issues.

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