
Clone wiki

mss / GSOC2019 / Update geographical plotting routines

Update geographical plotting routines

  • Project description:

    The MSS project currently relies on the python basemap package for supplying non-cylindric projections and plotting of geographical features. This package has been deprecated and been supplanted in the community by the cartopy package.

    This project deals with first replacing the existing solution with the new software package. This requires keeping the performance of the plotting at similar levels and updating the documentation for installation.

    In a second step the new capabilities of cartopy shall be used to support more geographical projections as mandated by the Web Mapping Service standard.

    All steps of the project include maintaining or creating the necessary unit tests and updating the documentation.

  • Skills: Python, Git

  • Difficulty level: Easy

  • Related Readings/Links:

  • Potential mentors:,,
