Check for 'Season xx' folder when determining metadata

Issue #565 duplicate
Former user created an issue

My TV is stored in a folder structure like: /media/tv/ShowName/Season 01/01x01 Episode Name.avi

At present, Serviio determines metadata by looking only at the parent folder, which means it frequently misidentifies my TV shows. Would it be possible to get it to detect if the folder is named e.g. Series xx, Season xx and look at that folder's parent folder to determine the show?


Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Does that mean 'should already work' in 1.0.1 or in 1.1? It definitely doesn't work in 1.0.1 for me...

  2. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    code for skipping parent folder if it includes 'season' is already in 1.0.1. What is your file path exactly?

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Sorry, I retract that - I've just forced a metadata refresh and everything now looks good. Thanks!

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Hmm, I'm not convinced this is working. I just upgraded to 1.2.1 and I'm still seeing issues with mismatches even when I'm pretty sure my filenames should work with thetvdb. For example, I get logs like:

    2013-05-09 21:04:05,021 WARN [LibraryManager] Extractor ONLINE_VIDEO_SOURCES failed to connect to metadata source for file /media/tv/The X-Files/Season 02/02x17 End Game.avi, will try again later: Error connecting to

    76450 appears to be a series called 'Spy Game', implying it hasn't used the series name in the folder structure and has just gone for the data in the file name...

  5. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Your example filename works for me. Try to click Refresh video metadata or remove and later add the file again, to trigger a new search.

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