
Issue #594 resolved
Former user created an issue

It would be pretty cool if Serviio would be able to register the movies or series you're watching with That way, you can keep track of what you've seen, what you still have to see, what your progress is, and (nice) which shows or movies you might also like.

Their API is pretty straightforward, so implementation should be doable, although I know it will still be work

I've seen in earlier posts that it might be difficult for Serviio to detect when a stream starts playing, when it's paused, or when it's stopped, something which is required for this feature, of course.

I was thinking about the following:

  • When a movie/show starts playing, check in on This will tell that you're watching the show right now
  • When a show/movie gets paused, unwatch on, or do nothing. I can imagine that pause can be really, really hard to detect, since you don't get a notification from the TV.
  • When a show/movie stops, check it's progress. If there's only around 5% left, register as watched, otherwise unwatch.

Forum thread:

Requires #898 to be implemented first.

Comments (18)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Ow, I forgot: additional toughts:

    When the library finds changes, it can also change the collection: - If an item is added to the library: add it to your collection - If an item is removed from the library, remove it from your collection knows the differences between watched and collected, so you can remove items from your collections, but it will keep them marked as "watched".

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    For the moment I developed a command tool that send item from last view of serviio to trakt, but could you add an api method to know the imdb/tvdb id of a serie, I only have the id of the episode and is it possible to have an api method to have the items that are currently playing? This is the test account to which I send last view items from serviio with my tool : Thanks for your software, it is very good and I want to develop a good plugin to sync with trakt. So my demands is to improve my plugin/tool and so to improve your software. Thanks.

  3. normsland

    +1! Serviio is great and is great. Having Serviio scrobble to would be even better :)

  4. Leopold X

    +1! is it possible to add this feature as plugin if you implement options for plugins (eg. for credentials)?

    @coolweb can you share your cmd tool?

  5. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    How would you like this to work with multiple users?

    I could implement it both for DLNA and MediaBrowser / ServiiGo playbacks. So I could send the events for all these, but you might end up 'watching' many files at the same time.

  6. Andreas Herten

    I, personally, wouldn't mind. Creating access points (=folders) on a per-user basis would be too much of an effort, IMHO.

  7. stevietv

    For me, a simple implementation would be best. I don't think it would be an issue to have multiple 'watched' records being sent.

    A couple of things to be considered:

    • watched signal shouldn't be sent when the file is opened at the start of watching, but instead at the end. it may be that you open the wrong episode and it shouldn't have been watched yet

    • Perhaps a 90% completion of watching a file is best time to send a watched note. you may stop the file at the credits at the end but still want it to be considered as watched

    • Maybe watched signals could be limited by device in the device access list, another tick box in the list to say whether to send watched events.

  8. Former user Account Deleted

    Hey i would like to get this working is there a way i could help? can i branch the current version somewhere? or put in some codez that may work(what language) :) Also love serviio :)

  9. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Make sure that when an update to an item happens, the old is removed from the collection and the new one is added. This should deal with cases when bad title is found for a movie, added to, then fixed in Serviio library by (eg) renaming the file or updating an xml file - we should send that event on to keep the libraries in sync.

    I assume this would only work for folders that use descriptive metadata.

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