Video-sequences for calibration

Issue #1 resolved
Benjamin Knorlein created an issue

It should also be able to use video-sequences (avi or cine) as calibiration input. This is especially important for checkerboards.

Comments (11)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein reporter

    This will require major redesign on several parts. However it will be interesting to change to a structure closer to the XMAPortal, e.g. calibrationfiles are also trial-data, so there could be a before and after calibration. (Or even if someone only uses 1 camera and is only interested in 2-D tracking no calibration)

  2. Elizabeth Brainerd

    It would indeed be nice to be able to use movie files for calibration. I'm a bit confused by the comment stream on this issue. Does it indeed "require major redesign on several parts" from comment on 2015-12-11? And yes, also it would be nice to be able to use XMALab with just one camera with no calibration. That is a separate issue, and I'll add it as an Issue if it is not already.

  3. Benjamin Knorlein reporter

    It is not necessarily a major redesign and could be done quicker. Some things which are quite different to how it is now is that:

    a) Right now all images are loaded to memory as there are only 5-20. In case of video files that will have to change b) Right now images are saved in the xma file. This will also have to change as the xma-lab file might otherwise become too big. It therefore has to be also taken into account what happens if these files do not exists etc.

    The structure how the calibration is currently implemented does not easily allow these changes. Therefore there would be 2 possibilities: a) a faster way which only adds these changes, but it is still not a small change. b) a bigger redesign of these parts to adjust it more to the structure of the XMAPortal, e.g. Calibration and Undistortion are also trials and it would be possible to have multiple calibration and undistortion trials in one file.

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