camera reference calibration does not change

Issue #103 resolved
Elizabeth Brainerd created an issue

In version 1.4.0, the reference calibration does not change when I change the number in the Trial cog wheel dialog and then press Force Update. I change it and press OK, and nothing happens (trial does not update). I change it and press Force Update and the trial updates, but calibration 1 is still selected.

I just did more testing and the problem is just the sequence of button pushing. To get the reference calibration to change and update, you have to change it and press OK. Then open the dialog again and press Force Update trial.

I think the behavior should be that the trial should update when I press OK after changing the reference calibration. I should also be able to change the reference calibration and then press Force Update and have it update with the newly selected reference calibration.

Steve also mentioned that this is a similar problem with some other command. We'll have to ask him.

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