Changes to xma_metadata.xml file

Issue #132 resolved
Elizabeth Brainerd created an issue

Add XMALab version number and check average reprojection error at the Trial level.

Within the rigid body metadata, the averageSD= does not make sense to me, since there are 2 SDs, one for unfiltered and one for filtered.

Currently says:

<RigidBody name="Cranium" firstTracked="1" lastTracked="800" numberTracked="800" averageSD="0.00582782" error3DUnfiltered="0.0601402" error3DFiltered="0.060498" filterfrequency="20”>

Maybe change to:

<RigidBody name="Cranium" firstTracked="1" lastTracked="800" numberTracked="800" error3DUnfiltered="0.0601402" averageSDUnfiltered="0.00582782" error3DFiltered="0.060498" averageSDfiltered="0.00582782" filterfrequency="20”>

Comments (3)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Beth, The xmalab version is actually in the xml file, but it is not shown on the portal, Also the averageSD is the average SD of all the possible intermarker distances for this rigid body, so there is not a filtered or unfiltered one. I think this should be better shown in the Portal. I will change the average Reprojection error with this issue.

  2. Benjamin Knorlein

    fixes #132 : Reprojection error is corrected, XMALab Version is corrected, Frame start, end and tracked are displayed for each camera, loading of xml data from .xma and .xmatrial files

    → <<cset ef6afd4450a2>>

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