export all reprojection errors AND/OR mean and std reprojection errors

Issue #159 resolved
Dave Baier created an issue

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Comments (5)

  1. Dave Baier reporter

    Another possiblity would be to make the values reported on the plot selectable (select the numbers for the mean reprojection error copy and paste them into a spreadsheet)

  2. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Dave, You can actually export any data from the plot by clicking the export button. However, it does not take the selection into account. If you like i can add the feature that it will only export the selected ones. Is this ok for you?

  3. Dave Baier reporter

    Hi Ben, using the plot window only does the current plotted marker right? My situation was that I wanted to compare all of the data in the trial using two different calibrations. So if I have 20 markers, I'd have to export 40 times right? Ideally, I would be able to export 20 row file with mean reprojection error and std in two columns or the frame by frame repro error for all markers (rows = frames, columns = markers). I suppose that would be nice for any type of plotted data.


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