
Issue #168 resolved
Noraly van Meer created an issue

Ideas for new hotkeys in XMALab:

  • Track single point forward and backward (maybe CTRL or SHIFT + 1 and 2)
  • Track selected points forward and backward

Comments (7)

  1. Morgan Turner

    Following up on Noraly's comment: Track single point to previous or next frame are currently 1 or 2 respectively; tracking selected points to previous or next frame could become ctrl +1 and ctrl +2.

  2. Phil Lai

    I'll second both of these, modifier + 1/2 to track a single point forward and backward, and selected points to previous or next frame would be very useful

  3. curtisha

    As I think others are saying, track single and selected points forward and backward continuously would be really nice. In addition, I would also like the ability to jump to first tracked frame as a shortcut.

  4. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi curtisha, what do you mean exactly with the first tracked frame. Did you have a look at the 3 and Ctrl-3 shortcuts

  5. curtisha

    Yes I want basically the opposite of "3" so it jumps to the other side of the tracking, so I can easily track backwards. "Ctrl-3" does nothing for me in xma version 1.5.1.

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