Feature: Do not ask for Trial Images when loading dataset

Issue #198 resolved
John Capano created an issue

At times people access old XMA file datasets to export data but no longer have trial images saved on their computer. XMA requests these images at the start of loading. If there are multiple trials, one must “esc” or manually click okay to get to the dataset. If you use esc, however, the program will crash before it loads the file. It would be useful to have a box to not request trial images for the file when uploading, particularly for going back to old datasets without having to upload images or have crashes occur.

Comments (4)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi John, does the file you attached open when you have the images? In my case it also breaks with older versions of xmalab. And i just tested with only trial 1 and it worked. So i assumed there is 1 trial broken. I will test the other ones and keep you updated.

  2. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi John, there were a bunch of bugs in XMALab and in your xma-file. It took me quite some while to figure it out. One problem was that you mixed different types of virtual points (bound to RB and not) and XMALab was not able to handle that. In addition images were counted wrong when the images are not set. And finally some virtual points in Rigid bodies in your xma-file referenced the same RB which ended up in an endless loop. XMALab is fixed now and i corrected your file (attached). But I had to reset some virtual points so better check the virtual points.

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