Filtering: Input Data Too Short

Issue #20 resolved
Robert Brocklehurst created an issue

Trying to calculate/export rigid body transformations and see rigid body errors, but keep getting the following error message: "Exception occured Input data too short! Data must have length more than 3 times filter order." Transformations and errors are not calculated for all rigid bodies, and rigid body transformation export fails.

Comments (3)

  1. John Capano

    I have received this same message. What exactly does that mean? It is happening when I have 2 points and I am creating Virtual Points. If I have 2 regular points and a Virtual I get the error but when I have 2 regular points and 2 Virtual, it works. What values is it struggling with?

  2. Benjamin Knorlein

    The problem is that the data segments cannot be filtered as they are too short. I now removed the exception, so it will continue to run. However, the data for the short segment will not be filtered.

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