Crash on loading data v1.5.4 upwards, windows x64

Issue #212 resolved
Peter Falkingham created an issue

XMALab works fine up to and including v1.5.3

Above that, XMALab opens fine, and user is able to select to create a new trial with/without calibration etc. User is able to select image/video/folder of data. On clicking ok, interface changes briefly to appropriate workspace, hangs for a second or two, then crashes without error message.

This occurs when entering data for either a single camera or multiple cameras, and whether the input data is video (h264 avi) or low-res image (jpg).

Comments (4)

  1. Peter Falkingham reporter

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks. Two debug files (one from creating a new trial from calibration, one creating a trail without a calibration) available here:!Am5GkbZS_98Xsc0xUGSH4H4mp1HOuA?e=3BviD4

    It’s crashing when trying to load the videos. However, an older XMALab trial, that contains/references these movies, loads perfectly fine, and the movies are scrubbable in the marker tracking workspace.


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