Read-Only Open Option

Issue #232 resolved
Armita Manafzadeh created an issue

Hi Ben,

It would be nice if we could export certain files from an XMA file (e.g., precision data, MayaCams) without having to wait for XMALab to re-load the entire scene. Currently opening up the file and waiting for it to load up takes several minutes, which makes opening up a bunch of files to export precision data from each file at the end of a study a lengthy process.

Essentially, just wondering if there’s a faster way to get at the precision data for many files without opening them one by one and waiting for them to load. Thanks!

Hope you’re doing well!


Comments (7)

  1. Stephen Gatesy

    Hi Ben,

    In answering Armita’s question, can you explain what data are kept in the .xma file and what data are recalculated each time? If we had a read-only fast access option, are the points3d data, for example, correct and ready for export?



  2. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Steve, Hi Armita,

    The main problem is that most data is only computed when you open the file. The biggest problem is that the undistortion is as well recomputed which takes a long time. Storing the data for undistortion in the xma file was not an option as it would have increased the file size drastically.

    There are 2 workarounds i can see:

    1) is to save the precision data in the xma-file when saving.

    2) would be to use the command line with options to export different data. In this way it would even be possible to fully automate/script the export of data, e.g. precision, undistorted trial images, 3D points etc.

    Let me know what you think would be better for you. Personally i think option 2 could be more valuable for a lot of other users, but it would also require some more programming on my side.



  3. Benjamin Knorlein

    What do you think of option 1: I can save the XCams and Precision info in a folder in the xma-file. In this way you can open it in a normal zip-tool and simply copy it, I could also add an option in the UI to do a quick extract. if the data is available. Also is there any other info you need.


  4. Armita Manafzadeh reporter

    Hi Ben,

    Sorry we let this slip, everything’s been crazy. Whichever one is less work for you is great. Might there be some way to access the precision data with an external script if it’s locked away in the xma-file, or no? Not a big deal if not, just wondering.



  5. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Armita, Hi Steve,

    I now save the Marker to Marker distances and the Precision info in the root of the xma-file. It is basically a zip file and all the Precision info files will start with PrecisionInfo_ followed with the trial name and the Marker to Marker distances will start with MarkerDistances_ also followed by the trial name. They are both txt files. In this way it should be easy to write a script which opens the zip/xma file and extracts the files but it will depend on the system you are.

    One thing to take into account is that the info can only be written when the trials are up to date otherwise they will need to be recomputed. To make it easier to update all trials when saving i added an extra option in the settings dialog which automatically updates trials before saving if required.

  6. Stephen Gatesy

    Thanks for remembering this, Ben. It seems like so long ago. We’ll give this a test next time we’re needing precision data.


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