Alternative image source

Issue #3 resolved
Stephen Gatesy created an issue

There have been times when we want to change the image sources (cines to jpegs or visa versa). Can this new path be something we edit from within a trial easily? If not, could we simply move the old source and then enter a new one of a different type when XMALab is starting up? Right now if it’s looking for cines it only lets you choose cines.

Comments (3)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Straight-forward <1-2h

    And is it only sufficient to change the data when you have the project open or is it also necessary to consider this, when the data is not found, e.g. when you share your project with someone else. (It might things more difficult, but 1 idea might be to show a 2nd dialog in case the user clicks cancel when prompted)

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