Cam1 Cine Files Not Importing into XMALab

Issue #44 resolved
David Perry created an issue

I'm having trouble adding videos to a new trial in XMALab. I add a new trial, and then select the appropriate cine files that I have downloaded from XMAportal. Cam2 video comes in perfectly fine, but Cam1 video appears as a square, static-looking box. I've attached a screenshot and the xma file in an e-mail to Ben. This is now happening for camera 1 for any cine files that I am trying to bring into xmalab.

Comments (2)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi David, The problem was that it was a 16bit video with Real bitdepth 14 bit and not a normal 8bit. I now allow loading of 16bit data as well, but it will be downsampled to 8bit. In the future try to stick with 8Bit. Ben

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