Points and rigid bodies: "blank" trials and easy centroid swapping

Issue #75 resolved
Stephen Gatesy created an issue

These are two related issues that are currently hard to do in our workflow.

1) We want to do undistortion, calibration, and points/bodies once to create an .xma that can be shared with our group. Currently, we have to create a new trial before we can import a .csv with centroids and set up the points/bodies. Can we either go straight to points without making a new trial or have a "dummy" file that does not appear? Each user could then do their own tracking of trials based on this reference .xma.

2) We want to be able to "swap" combined centroid .csv files easily, without having to do them one at a time. Because we're doing multiple CT scans of the same specimen, we'd like to use the same tracking and same points/bodies to output different matrices depending on model set. We're not really interested in changing obj models in XMALab each time, but working through each of 7+ rigid bodies to change (and 7+ to change back) is arduous.


Comments (3)

  1. Stephen Gatesy reporter

    Thanks, Ben.

    Will this let us "swap" a single .csv centroids file for existing tracked point sets? We have an immediate need to do that.


  2. Benjamin Knorlein

    If i understand you correctly : Yes.

    You basically define a default trial. All changes you do to the rigid bodies or the markers of the default are then applied to the trials derived from that default. It might be tricky to initialize everything in case you already have an xma-file with trials and points, but in case they all have the same points and rigid bodies it is straightforward. I will demo on Thursday on how to do it.


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