Bulk centroid swap

Issue #85 resolved
Stephen Gatesy created an issue

We now work with multiple model sets based on multiple CT scans of the same individual. After tracking data, we'd like to be able to change to a new centroid set rather than do each rigid body individually.

If these could be stored so that a user can just select from sets of centroids, that would be helpful too.

We understand that these can't have differences and still swap, so maintaining consistent point names and numbers and rigid body membership is important.

Comments (1)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    fixes #85: 3D coordinates of markers can be updated by using the import/export -> import from csv in the pointlist. Note : it simply replaces the coordinates and names in the order the csv file is written. It does not check for the names to match.

    → <<cset 787f642d2858>>

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