Calibration optimization advanced feature on all times

Issue #86 resolved
Elizabeth Brainerd created an issue

Please make the optimization option appear at all times - so not an Advanced feature that has to be turned on.

Please also make the "is optimized" check box be checked after optimization. Now one has to switch to a different workspace and back for the box to appear checked.

Question for XUG -- do we want a warning message if multiple cubes have been calibrated but the user has not optimized, and the user tries to move on to Marker Tracking?

Comments (2)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    fixes #86: When advanced options are off there is only a button to optimize (without the dialog) running 50000 iterations every times it is pressed. Advanced options enables the old style and lens undistortion. Checkbox for optimized is not updated correctly. When cameras are not optimized a message is displayed next to the workspace dropdown

    → <<cset 8f239ef3b41d>>

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