Calibration errors for bigLegoCubeV4

Issue #88 resolved
Armita Manafzadeh created an issue

Calibration using bigLegoCubeV4 (the new cube with 3D charms) has proven very difficult, with constant error messages ("control your data").

My images are clear and include all four charms. I am clicking on the center of each charm. Almost every time, I have to reset the frame and try starting with a different one before we can get calibration to work. There is no recognizable pattern as to why some frame orders work and others don't. Steve has experienced the same issue.

Unsure if this requires a change in the software or in the framespec. This may be a good point for discussion during XUG?

Comments (6)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Armita,

    Can you demonstrate this in the XUG meeting. I just tried 3 times and every time it just works fine for me.


  2. Benjamin Knorlein

    Oh. I just realized that my settings were different than yours. The problem is that the framespec is not accurate enough. You can set the threshold for the automatic identification of the points in Settings->calibration. There are 2 thresholds you can set,. If you set both to 10 it works fine. I will demonstrate it in the meeting today.


  3. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Armita, I checked the problem again and as far as i can see the references are not really accurate. Who did compute the coordinates for the 4 references? Did JD create them. He might need to update them. Also another problem which might occur is that the positions of the references are not really optimal as it happens that wrong correspondences are computed, but having more accurate reference coordinates might help solve the problem.

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