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XMALab / Optimizing Rigid Body constellations based on Tracked Data

Usually the 3D reference coordinates for a Rigid Body are erroneous as CT scanners are not able to record the bead markers perfectly. Due to this the tracked constellations of markers in XMALab do not fit the CT data perfectly and jumps in the Rigid Body transformation might occur if points get lost and are not tracked.

To encounter this problem XMALab can recompute Rigid Body constellations based on the already tracked data. Therefore in order to use the feature several frames of the sequence have to be tracked. In addition, the tracked data should be as good as possible as errors in the tracked data will also introduce errors in the Rigid Body reference. We also recommend to recompute the constellation during the tracking as more tracked frames will increase accuracy of the Rigid Body constellation.

To use the feature go to the rigid body dialog and click the checkbox "optimized from tracked". If you want to later update the constellation with more data click "Update optimized". The new coordinates can also be exported when clicking "Export References".


Once the Rigid Body constellation is optimized a small plus sign will appear in the pointslist

