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XROMM_MayaTools / Xcam

Xcam can be used to create reconstructed cameras (MayaCams) in the coordinate space of the calibration object as chosen in XMALab.

Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at 11.22.12 AM.png]


  1. Before using this tool, export MayaCams 2.0 and undistorted trial images from XMALab. Know which reference calibration frame you used use to set your coordinate space. [link here]
  2. Select the number of cameras you want to create using the + and - buttons.
  3. Select the MayaCam 2.0 file associated with your reference calibration frame using the ellipses next to the MayaCam File box.
  4. Select the first image in your sequence of undistorted trial images using the ellipses next to the Image(s) box.
  5. Make sure that "image sequence" is checked if you are trying to import more than one image (e.g., from a video sequence).
  6. Rename each camera in the Camera Name box.
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 for each camera.
  8. Click "import" to create cameras.
  9. Click "Close" to exit the dialog box.

N.B., it is good practice to check the positions of the cameras in your Maya scene and make sure they align with both the 3-D worldview in XMALab and your memory of your recording setup.
