Faction specific laser colors for ships with turrets

Issue #23 resolved
Raffaello Grani created an issue

As you might recall, the X-Wing games had faction specific laser colors for any ship with turrets, which I think would be appropiate for XWVM as well.

Rebels: Red Imperials: Green Blue neutrals: Red Violet neutrals (TIE): Green Yellow neutrals (XvT and XWA): Green Azzameen (Violet in XWA): Red

Comments (8)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Changed: Laser flyby sounds replaced with individually faded versions of the Star Wars laser sounds. They now have a chance to be heard (default 25% of the time), and a pitch variance. Rebalance: All AI ranks have slower reflexes (think 25%-50% slower, depending on rank) to address issue #14. Rebalance: The target lock handicap given to all AI ranks under TopAce has been greatly reduced. Fix: AI ships no longer lose their target lock quality when reevaluating targets if they end targeting the same target they already had. Fix: Issue #23: Faction specific laser colors for ships with turrets Added: Implemented AI orders "Starship: Await all boarding craft to finish" and "Starship: Await all carried craft to launch from hangar".

    → <<cset 1172e82e4167>>

  2. MajorParts
    • changed status to open

    This now causes the rebel ships in "Aggressor Squadron Training" to fire green lasers. The originals do not do this.

  3. Raffaello Grani reporter

    Just to clarify: With turrets I mean turrets which you can target and destroy. Only these are affected in the original.

  4. Rich Kinkead

    Hey there, don't know if this fits category, but I noticed rebel corvettes fire green which I believed they shot red in original game.

  5. Raffaello Grani reporter

    If they are Rebel or neutral Corvettes, then they shoot red. If they are Imperial however, they shoot green.

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