Star Destroyer enters hyperspace too soon in SOS From Corvette Karinne

Issue #34 resolved
J. King created an issue

in XWVM, the Star Destroyer present at mission start enters hyperspace immediately. In X-Wing, the Star Destroyer takes a considerable amount of time to adjust its heading and build up speed (maybe about 4 seconds?), during which time it also fires at rebel craft (and looks menacing).

Additionally, the Star Destroyer zooms away at a much, much more languid pace in X-Wing. This, however, has no ganeplay impact, and personally I find XWVM's much faster acceleration to be aesthetically superior.

As a useful point of comparison, the Frigate Fugazi in T1M3 takes 15 seconds to pass you in X-Wing, whereas it takes 5 seconds in XWVM. This does have some gameplay impact, given that you have a lot less time to get out of the Fugazi's way.

Comments (5)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    It's a problem because the ISD is already at its hyper point by the time the mission starts, so it immediately jumps into hyperspace. Since the hyperacceleration is faster in XWVM to be closer to the movies and series, the ISD is seen disappearing already by the time the player starts the mission. In X-wing, the acceleration is superslow, so it leaves more time for the player to see it. I don't know how to solve this other than making all ships accelerate slower.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    Perhaps we should add an "engine glow extra bright" animation that keeps the ship in place for a second before actually jumping.

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