Menu Scaling Adjustment

Issue #361 resolved
Tad Hashimoto created an issue

Currently, the Esc menu is rather large on 1080p and 1920x1200 resolutions. While this makes all of the menu items very easy to read, it also limits the menu view to a few items at a time.

If the menu item sizes were reduced, more items could be fit in the menu and still be perfectly visible. This would reduce scrolling for menu items and make the menu appear cleaner.

The same goes for the control binding menu. While the current sizing allows for excellent readability, reducing font and box/button size would allow for more visibility without sacrificing readability.

Comments (2)

  1. Tad Hashimoto reporter

    I don't see this as "resolved". I see the menu and buttons still being extremely large.

    The two screenshots below are full screenshots, not cropped.

    The problem is not with the size of the menu window, it's with the scaling of the menu contents within the window. All of the contents could be compressed to fit many more options within the menu window while still being perfectly readable. The user shouldn't be limited to viewing 13 or so menu rows at a time.

    MenuSize.jpg MenuControls.jpg

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