Corvette docking speed too quick

Issue #406 resolved
Ras Talon created an issue

Noticed in TOD4M4 Corvette docks after 17 seconds mission time elapsed.

The issue is that the corvette exits hyperspace too quickly, which was originally intentional but may require tweaking for timing reasons.

Recommend an initial fast deceleration for screen accuracy, and then regular deceleration for timing.

Comments (7)

  1. Xwvm Art

    In XW98 it docks 32 seconds in
    In current build: XWVM it docks 42 seconds in.
    Timing is still off

  2. Blazing .Firestorm

    so I tested all versions of the original game and the times I got were

    93 version : 35 secs to dock from the start of the mission

    94 version : 55 secs to dock from the start of the mission

    98 version : 34 secs to dock from the start of the mission

  3. Blazing .Firestorm

    XWVM version 20240815

    93 : 60 secs to dock from the start of the mission

    94 : 60 secs to dock from the start of the mission

    98 : 60 secs to dock from the start of the mission

    so it matches the 94 version nearly spot on

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