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BoSS / releasenotes

v1.3 : February 25, 2022

  • Major functionality updates: massive speed ups! The subsidiary hsearch now uses analytical derivatives to compute the Jacobian matrix needed for the Newton search for h (Lagrange multipliers) which saves an enormous number of finite differencing calculations and allows the Newton to converge faster (~3-10 times faster). SCFloop was updated as well to use a Broyden algorithm instead of simple fixed iteration to solve for spinon-subsidiary self-consistency: this is about 3-5 times faster.
  • Bug fixes: buildHspinon had an indexing bug when the newly implemented <O><O> scaling of d-d hoppings were included; this is a small thing anyways but now it is computed correctly.
  • Various small improvements to comments and printouts (time stamps, etc.)

v1.2 : February 16, 2021

v1.1: May 30, 2020

  • User-end enhancement: sparse matrices and sparse diagonalization of the slave Hamiltonian are now supported via input options. This saves both time and memory for large boson problems.
  • Tutorial enhancement: added example 4 on 5-atom LaNiO3, band renormalization, and effect of Hund's J on the multiplet structure of the Ni eg subsystem.
  • Code enhancements:
    • A large set of comment fixes and variable renamings.
    • (Almost) all slave variables moved into "slaveinfo" struct.
    • (Almost) all spinon variables moved into "spinininfo" struct.

v1.0: July 14, 2018

  • Initial release of BoSS code to the public
