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petrolette / Home

Welcome to the Petrolette wiki!

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What is Petrolette?

Petrolette is a web page with all your news sources in it. Well, technically, it is a RSS reader, but only us geeks talk like that.

  • What is RSS?

A RSS feed. That's how websites broadcast their news.

How do I use it?

Well, it could be your home page. All your news source, at a glance, every time of day.

  • Import/Export tabs

Your tabs and feeds are not on the server, they are on your machine. If you want to see the same content when you read Petrolette with, say your phone (which a good idea) you want to save/export the petrolette.json file, and load/import it on your phone.

How can I help?

Petrolette is an independant project, that really needs your help to stay afloat.

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