Known recipes not correctly tracked

Issue #1 resolved
Kernighan Ritchie repo owner created an issue

Currently known recipes are not correctly detected, appears to be an issue in parsing them from the character data as they also do not show up in the character database.

Comments (7)

  1. Kernighan Ritchie reporter

    With the latest changes, the debug function to print known recipes works. So that portion of the problem is fixed, but there’s still some issue in the matching function that needs resolution.

  2. Kernighan Ritchie reporter

    Fix #1 for now

    This adds a recipe table for all professions, and then the recipe table is used to compare the item ID we get from the spellBook with the itemID in the recipe database if it exists, and then pull the spellID from there if that exists.

    No direct way I can find to map the itemID to the spellID within WoW.

    → <<cset 211e869a2462>>

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