Skip SetMapID while on a taxi

Issue #35 resolved
Kernighan Ritchie repo owner created an issue

Hello Kernighan!

Thank you for releasing Recipe Radar Classic. I've been waiting for that and it really helps.

I was wondering if I could ask you to make one minor change to Recipe Radar Classic (RRC). One of the features of TitanClassicLocation is the ability to view a worldmap page while you transition between zones WHILE you're on a taxi. This was an old user request from a decade ago that we implemented. RRC is doing a SetMapID to scan each zone that is entered. We've tested the following and it works perfectly. It basically terminates the scan while the player is on a taxi. It also improves performance.

Minimap.lua insert as line 19:
if UnitOnTaxi("player") then return end

This simply stops the RecipeRadar_Minimap_OnNewRegion() call from occurring. We did some additional testing to make sure that RRC will show the proper zone data once you land. This solves our issue. If you could implement this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.


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