
Zaid Bin Khalid Multi Upload Class

Created by Zaid Bin Khalid

File az.multi.upload.class.php Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+class ImageUploadAndResize{
+	private $newWidth;
+	private $folderName;
+	public $n		=	0;
+	public $s		=	0;
+	public $Sflag		=	0;
+	public $prepareNames;
+	protected $isSubQuery 	= 	false;
+	/**
+     	* Image compress and processing
+       	*/
+	public function compressImage($sourceURL, $destinationURL, $minImgWidth, $wmImageSource="", $positionX="", $positionY="", $quality, $newWidth) {
+		$infoImg 	= 	getimagesize($sourceURL);
+		$width		=	$infoImg[0];
+		$height		=	$infoImg[1];
+		if($width<$minImgWidth){
+			echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">Image <strong>WIDTH</strong> is less then '.$minImgWidth.'px</div>';
+			exit;
+		}
+		if($newWidth!=""){
+			$diff 		= 	$width / $newWidth;
+			$newHeight 	= 	$height / $diff; // creating new width and height with aspect ratio
+		}else{
+			$newWidth 	= 	$width;
+			$newHeight 	= 	$height;
+		}
+		$watermark 	= 	imagecreatefrompng($wmImageSource);
+		$imgResource 		= 	imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight);
+		if ($infoImg['mime'] == 'image/jpeg'){
+			$image 	= 	imagecreatefromjpeg($sourceURL);
+			// Set the margins for the watermark and get the height/width of the watermark image
+			$positionRight 	= 	$positionX;
+			$positionBottom = 	$positionY;
+			$sx 	= 	imagesx($watermark);
+			$sy 	= 	imagesy($watermark);
+			// width to calculate positioning of the watermark. 
+			imagecopy($image, $watermark, imagesx($image) - $sx - $positionRight, imagesy($image) - $sy - $positionBottom, 0, 0, imagesx($watermark), imagesy($watermark));
+			imagecopyresampled($imgResource, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $width, $height);
+		} elseif ($infoImg['mime'] == 'image/png'){
+			$image 	= 	imagecreatefrompng($sourceURL);
+			// Set the margins for the watermark and get the height/width of the watermark image
+			$positionRight 	= 	$positionX;
+			$positionBottom = 	$positionY;
+			$sx 	= 	imagesx($watermark);
+			$sy 	= 	imagesy($watermark);
+			// width to calculate positioning of the watermark. 
+			imagecopy($image, $watermark, imagesx($image) - $sx - $positionRight, imagesy($image) - $sy - $positionBottom, 0, 0, imagesx($watermark), imagesy($watermark));
+			imagecopyresampled($imgResource, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $width, $height);
+		} elseif ($infoImg['mime'] == 'image/gif'){
+			$image 	= 	imagecreatefromgif($sourceURL);
+			// Set the margins for the watermark and get the height/width of the watermark image
+			$positionRight 	= 	$positionX;
+			$positionBottom = 	$positionY;
+			$sx 	= 	imagesx($watermark);
+			$sy 	= 	imagesy($watermark);
+			// width to calculate positioning of the watermark. 
+			imagecopy($image, $watermark, imagesx($image) - $sx - $positionRight, imagesy($image) - $sy - $positionBottom, 0, 0, imagesx($watermark), imagesy($watermark));
+			imagecopyresampled($imgResource, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $width, $height);
+		}
+		$RET	=	imagejpeg($imgResource, $destinationURL, $quality);
+		imagedestroy($image);
+		return $RET;
+	}
+	public function createDir($folderName, $permission){
+		if(!file_exists($folderName)) {
+			mkdir($folderName, $permission, true);
+			$fName	=	$folderName;
+		}else{
+			$fName	=	$folderName;
+		}
+		return $fName;
+	}
+	public function uploadImages($yourFileName, $yourDestination, $minImgWidth=400, $waterMarkImgSrc="", $xPosition="", $yPosition="", $reName="", $permission=0655, $quality=100, $newWidth=""){
+		if(!empty($_FILES[$yourFileName])){
+			foreach($_FILES[$yourFileName]['name'] as $val)
+			{
+				$infoExt 		= 	getimagesize($_FILES[$yourFileName]['tmp_name'][$this->n]);
+				$this->s++;
+				$filesName		=	str_replace(" ","",trim($_FILES[$yourFileName]['name'][$this->n]));
+				$files			=	explode(".",$filesName);
+				$File_Ext   	=   substr($_FILES[$yourFileName]['name'][$this->n], strrpos($_FILES[$yourFileName]['name'][$this->n],'.'));
+				if($infoExt['mime'] == 'image/gif' || $infoExt['mime'] == 'image/jpeg' || $infoExt['mime'] == 'image/png')
+				{
+					$srcPath	=	self::createDir($yourDestination, $permission).'/';
+					if($reName!=""){
+						$fileName	=	$this->s.$reName.$File_Ext;
+					}else{
+						$fileName	=	$files[0].$File_Ext;
+					}
+					$path		=	trim($srcPath.$fileName);
+					if(self::compressImage($_FILES[$yourFileName]['tmp_name'][$this->n], $path, $minImgWidth, $waterMarkImgSrc, $xPosition, $yPosition, $quality, $newWidth))
+					{
+						$this->prepareNames[]	=	$fileName; //need to be fixed.
+						$this->Sflag		= 	1; // success
+					}else{
+						$this->Sflag	= 2; // file not move to the destination
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					$this->Sflag	= 3; //extention not valid
+				}
+				$this->n++;
+			}
+			if($this->Sflag==1){
+				return $this->prepareNames;
+			echo '<div class="alert alert-success">Images uploaded successfully!</div>';
+			}else if($this->Sflag==2){
+				echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">File not move to the destination.</div>';
+			}else if($this->Sflag==3){
+				echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">File extention not good. Try with <em>.PNG, .JPEG, .GIF, .JPG</em></div>';
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public function uploadMultiFiles($yourFileName, $yourDestination, $reName="", $permission=0655){
+		if(!empty($_FILES[$yourFileName])){
+			foreach($_FILES[$yourFileName]['name'] as $val){
+				$infoExt 		= 	getimagesize($_FILES[$yourFileName]['tmp_name'][$this->n]);
+				$this->s++;
+				$filesName		=	str_replace(" ","",trim($_FILES[$yourFileName]['name'][$this->n]));
+				$files			=	explode(".",$filesName);
+				$File_Ext		=   substr($_FILES[$yourFileName]['name'][$this->n], strrpos($_FILES[$yourFileName]['name'][$this->n],'.'));
+				if($File_Ext!='.exe'){
+					$srcPath	=	self::createDir($yourDestination, $permission).'/';
+					if($reName!=""){
+						$fileName	=	$this->s.$reName.$File_Ext;
+					}else{
+						$fileName	=	$files[0].$File_Ext;
+					}
+					$path		=	trim($srcPath.$fileName);
+					if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$yourFileName]['tmp_name'][$this->n], $path)){
+						$this->prepareNames[]	=	$fileName; //need to be fixed.
+						$this->Sflag			= 	1; // success
+					}else{
+						$this->Sflag	=	2; // file not move to the destination
+					}
+				}else{
+					$this->Sflag	= 3; //extention not valid
+				}
+				$this->n++;
+			}
+			if($this->Sflag==1){
+				return $this->prepareNames;
+			echo '<div class="alert alert-success">Images uploaded successfully!</div>';
+			}else if($this->Sflag==2){
+				echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">File not move to the destination.</div>';
+			}else if($this->Sflag==3){
+				echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">File extention not good. Try with <em>.PNG, .JPEG, .GIF, .JPG</em></div>';
+			}
+		}
+	}

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