Saving the spectrum after vapor subtraction offers _B addition to the filename instead of _V or _W

Issue #9 resolved
Susan BioTools created an issue

Saving the spectrum after vapor subtraction offers _B addition to the filename instead of _V or _W (FTIR part)

Comments (6)

  1. Tomas Pazderka repo owner

    This is unfortunately not very easy to do since the subtraction process (and result) is identical for both modes. We can change the suffix to something else that wouldn't hint to buffer subtraction.

  2. Susan BioTools reporter

    I see. I thought you just copy-pasted the relevant code to under vapor subtraction and only need to change _B to _W there... I prefer to save all the treatment steps in case I have to look them up later to see where a peak or noise got added to it. If it offers the same letter then it is easy to mix the steps up if you have several spectra to process after each other.

  3. Tomas Pazderka repo owner

    You can always change the suffix yourself.

    I will think about a way how to make this work but it might not be that easy.

  4. Tomas Pazderka repo owner

    Changing to enhancement.

    It might be possible to ad a last_method property to BaseClass and derive the suffix from that.

  5. Susan BioTools reporter

    I know I can change it before saving. Just wanted to keep the "one click" concept running. :) (And it is easy to accidentally forget to change the suffix when processing multiple files, so it is a possible source of error if it remains like this in the released version.)

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