Ticking block entity in version 1.1.50

Issue #21 resolved
Pete Steel created an issue

updated to 1.1.50 and crashed to desktop. Removed all configs before updating. crashlog: http://pastebin.com/xvvEbpP5

fml-client-latest: https://gist.github.com/Staegrin/8535c7645d5de33ab42b

Comments (7)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    1.1.51M uploaded, re implemented threading in a different way, should not interfere with each other now. Lets hope this does it. i was not able to replicate the issue, but i think i know why it happens, i hope this fixes it.

    I put a try catche on that function just in case, if you see errors (will not crash) please report them here and i will look more into it.

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