Some Decimal types are not converted correctly in

Issue #1280 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi developers,

I discovered this bug as I was working with a field of type Decimal(38,20) on Microsoft SQL Server. I tried to update this field with a value of Decimal('1500000.00000000000000000000'). Don't ask about this weird value, it's Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP.

Here is the exception:

sqlalchemy.exc.DataError: (DataError) ('22003', '[22003](22003) [Microsoft](Microsoft)[SQL Se
rver Driver](ODBC)[Server](SQL)Error de desbordamiento aritm\xe9tico al convertir varch
ar al tipo de datos numeric. (8115) (SQLExecDirectW); [01000](01000) [Microsoft](Microsoft)[S
QL Server Driver](ODBC)[Server](SQL)Se termin\xf3 la instrucci\xf3n. (3621)') u'UPDATE 
[Bizak$Customer](Bizak$Customer) SET [Limit (LCY)](Credit)=? WHERE [Bizak$Customer](Bizak$Customer).[No_](No_) = ?' ['CL003920']('

After some debugging I found the erroneous routine.

Have a look at the following test case where I included the original algorithm found in and also my proposed solution.


import decimal

def original_algorithm(value):
    """sqlalchemy/databases/ line 337""" 
    if isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal) and value._exp < -6:
    value = ((value < 0 and '-' or '')
        + '0.'
        + '0' * -(value._exp+1)
        + value._int)
    return value
    return str(value)

def new_algorithm(value):
    if isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal):
    sign = (value < 0 and '-' or '') 
    if value._exp > -1:
        return sign + value._int + '0' * value._exp
        s = value._int.zfill(-value._exp+1)
        pos = len(s) + value._exp
        return sign + s[:pos](:pos) + '.' + s[pos:](pos:)
    return str(value)

for d in ['-1500000.00000000000000000000',
      '1500000', '0.0000000000000000002', '0.2', '-0.0000000000000000002',
      '156666.458923543', '-156666.458923543', '1', '-1', '1234',
      '2E-12', '4E8', '3E-6', '3E-7']('1500000.00000000000000000000',):
    d = decimal.Decimal(d)
    o = original_algorithm(d)
    n = new_algorithm(d)
    if o != n:
    print 'Fail', o, n
    print 'Ok', o, n

As you can see the original algorithm fails when converting some of the values. And, therefore you can suppose that sqlalchemy failed to UPDATE the record with such big string values.

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