Problem with a sentence on the "Using the Session" page

Issue #2998 resolved
Eric Smith created an issue

Just some kind of typo/editing error (emphasis added):

"Most web frameworks include infrastructure to establish a single Session, associated with the request, which is correctly constructed and torn down corresponding torn down at the end of a request."

This was just on the latest published docs (, so sorry if this has already been fixed in source.

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • reword the paragraph which talks about web framework integration for sessions:
    1. fix the typo in the paragraph, fixes #2998
    2. as zope-sqlalchemy only provides transaction integration and not session scoping, dial back the language here as people are probably using scoped_session with pyramid anyway
    3. as I'm going to again start recommending people don't cling to flask-sqlalchemy so hard, take out the word "strongly" from the recommendation.
    4. as flask is the only framework I can think of that actually has an explicit SQLAlchemy layer that handles setting up scoped_session, take out the word "most", now it's "some web frameworks" (by which it means "only flask...and flask-sqlalchemy is probably not worth using anyway")

    → <<cset a22927b80915>>

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • reword the paragraph which talks about web framework integration for sessions:
    1. fix the typo in the paragraph, fixes #2998
    2. as zope-sqlalchemy only provides transaction integration and not session scoping, dial back the language here as people are probably using scoped_session with pyramid anyway
    3. as I'm going to again start recommending people don't cling to flask-sqlalchemy so hard, take out the word "strongly" from the recommendation.
    4. as flask is the only framework I can think of that actually has an explicit SQLAlchemy layer that handles setting up scoped_session, take out the word "most", now it's "some web frameworks" (by which it means "only flask...and flask-sqlalchemy is probably not worth using anyway")

    → <<cset cb51fe3ef894>>

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