Empty OR clause with table.delete() produces invalid SQL

Issue #3045 resolved
Christopher Monsanto created an issue

See attached test case. Results from running the script:

Expected: DELETE FROM test

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • Fixed bug where :meth:.Table.update and :meth:.Table.delete would produce an empty WHERE clause when an empty :func:.and_() or :func:.or_() or other blank expression were applied. This is now consistent with that of :func:.select. fixes #3045

    → <<cset 55eacc8dbea3>>

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • Fixed bug where :meth:.Table.update and :meth:.Table.delete would produce an empty WHERE clause when an empty :func:.and_() or :func:.or_() or other blank expression were applied. This is now consistent with that of :func:.select. fixes #3045

    → <<cset 93e11a9d7d58>>

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