support reraise of custom exceptions within core exception handling

Issue #3076 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

patch attached.

Comments (8)

  1. Mike Bayer reporter
    • The mechanics of the :meth:.ConnectionEvents.dbapi_error handler have been enhanced such that the function handler is now capable of raising or returning a new exception object, which will replace the exception normally being thrown by SQLAlchemy. fixes #3076

    → <<cset e0a9b94abb92>>

  2. Mike Bayer reporter
    • The mechanics of the :meth:.ConnectionEvents.dbapi_error handler have been enhanced such that the function handler is now capable of raising or returning a new exception object, which will replace the exception normally being thrown by SQLAlchemy. fixes #3076

    → <<cset f0c318b069c1>>

  3. Mike Bayer reporter
    • changed status to open

    we need a lot more functionality here so we're adding a new event, leaving dbapi_error alone.

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