faster KeyedTuple

Issue #3176 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

collections.namedtuple() is much much faster on creation of tuples, and KeyedTuple is actually slower than straight object. But namedtuple() is very slow to create new types as the code to do so uses eval(), stack frame inspection, and other overbuilt things that slow us down too much on a per-query basis. What to do? We can hedge between both approaches. Here is a speed breakdown:

import collections
import timeit

from sqlalchemy.util import KeyedTuple, lightweight_named_tuple

def go1(size):
    nt = collections.namedtuple('a', ['x', 'y', 'z'])
    result = [
        nt(1, 2, 3) for i in range(size)

def go2(size):
    labels = ['x', 'y', 'z']
    result = [
        KeyedTuple([1, 2, 3], labels) for i in range(size)

def go3(size):
    nt = lightweight_named_tuple('a', ['x', 'y', 'z'])
    result = [
        nt([1, 2, 3]) for i in range(size)

for size, num in [
    (10, 10000),
    (100, 1000),
    (10000, 100),
    (1000000, 10),
    print "-----------------"
    print "size=%d num=%d" % (size, num)
    print "namedtuple:", timeit.timeit("go1(%s)" % size, "from __main__ import go1", number=num)
    print "keyedtuple:", timeit.timeit("go2(%s)" % size, "from __main__ import go2", number=num)
    print "lw keyed tuple:", timeit.timeit("go3(%s)" % size, "from __main__ import go3", number=num)



size=10 num=10000
namedtuple: 3.60116696358
keyedtuple: 0.257042884827
lw keyed tuple: 0.571335792542
size=100 num=1000
namedtuple: 0.362484931946
keyedtuple: 0.24974322319
lw keyed tuple: 0.0887930393219
size=10000 num=100
namedtuple: 0.562417030334
keyedtuple: 2.53507685661
lw keyed tuple: 0.607440948486
size=1000000 num=10
namedtuple: 5.84964299202
keyedtuple: 28.8070271015
lw keyed tuple: 6.69921588898

we can see that namedtuple is very slow for lots of distinct types. But then that keyedtuple is really slow for a lot of instances on a small number of types. the new lw_tuple is almost as fast as namedtuple on instance create and just a bit slower than keyedtuple on making new types. it is definitely the best option in the graph.

Comments (5)

  1. jek

    benching a cached namedtuple option would be interesting. many workloads have a fixed set of queries in practice.

  2. Mike Bayer reporter
    • A new implementation for :class:.KeyedTuple used by the :class:.Query object offers dramatic speed improvements when fetching large numbers of column-oriented rows. fixes #3176

    → <<cset 685a014c6444>>

  3. Mike Bayer reporter

    wow it's @jek ! Well this thing was just a fast fix in response to the latest round of complaints, mostly the KT was just very slow with lots of rows.

  4. jek

    Here's just namedtuple, which is the only impl I had handy. I'd expect similar relative savings from caching across any of the three tuple implementations.

    import collections
    import timeit
    class _ntcache(dict):
        def __missing__(self, key):
            self[key] = cls = collections.namedtuple(*key)
            return cls
    ntcache = _ntcache()
    def go1(size):
        nt = collections.namedtuple('a', ('x', 'y', 'z'))
        result = [
            nt(1, 2, 3) for i in range(size)
    def go2(size):
        nt = ntcache['a', ('x', 'y', 'z')]
        result = [
            nt(1, 2, 3) for i in range(size)
    for size, num in [
        (10, 10000),
        (100, 1000),
        (10000, 100),
        (1000000, 10),
        print "-----------------"
        print "size=%d num=%d" % (size, num)
        print "namedtuple:", timeit.timeit("go1(%s)" % size, "from __main__ import go1", number=num)
        print "cached:", timeit.timeit("go2(%s)" % size, "from __main__ import go2", number=num)


    size=10 num=10000
    namedtuple: 3.68371701241
    cached: 0.0746579170227
    size=100 num=1000
    namedtuple: 0.367242097855
    cached: 0.0590341091156
    size=10000 num=100
    namedtuple: 0.603401899338
    cached: 0.554322957993
    size=1000000 num=10
    namedtuple: 6.07273197174
    cached: 6.08387613297
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