Multi-level polymorphic inheritance broken instances.

Issue #3214 duplicate
Justin Solms created an issue


I get unexpected inheritance instances from the multi-level polymorphic example below. I have attached self-contained test (see attached files) for anyone to re-create the problem.

class Entity(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'entity'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    entity_type = Column('type',String)

    __mapper_args__ = {

class Asset(Entity):    
    __tablename__ = 'asset'

    id = Column('entity_id',Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)
    asset_type = Column('asset_type',String)

    __mapper_args__ = {

class Listed(Asset):
    __tablename__ = 'listed'

    id = Column('asset_entity_id',Integer, ForeignKey('asset.entity_id'), primary_key=True)
    ticker = Column(String)
    asset_class = Column(String)

    __mapper_args__ = {

class Equity(Listed):

    __mapper_args__ = {

Test code snippets

There are 5 instances of the same class in each test.

The unexpected behavior: * Note test 2 and test 3 the last output line. The class appears different from the previous 4 lines. * The 1st test I believe should deliver the type test.Equity. It does not. Instead it is test.Asset.

Test 1

  • I believe should deliver the type test.Equity. It does not. Instead it is test.Asset.
print 'Test 1'
entities = session.query(Entity)
for ent in entities:
    print '<Type:%s, entity_type:%s, asset_type:%s>' % (type(ent), ent.entity_type, ent.asset_type)


Test 1
<Type:<class 'test.Asset'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Asset'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Asset'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Asset'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Asset'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>

Test 2

  • I believe should deliver the type test.Equity. It does not. Instead it is test.Listed.
  • Note the last output line. The class appears different from the previous 4 lines.
print 'Test 2'
entities = session.query(Asset)
for ent in entities:
    print '<Type:%s, entity_type:%s, asset_type:%s>' % (type(ent), ent.entity_type, ent.asset_type)


<Type:<class 'test.Listed'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Listed'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Listed'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Listed'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Asset'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>

Test 3

  • I believe should deliver the type test.Equity. It does except for the last output line which is test.Asset. The class appears different from the previous 4 lines.
print 'Test 3'
entities = session.query(Listed)
for ent in entities:
    print '<Type:%s, entity_type:%s, asset_type:%s>' % (type(ent), ent.entity_type, ent.asset_type)


<Type:<class 'test.Equity'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Equity'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Equity'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Equity'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>
<Type:<class 'test.Asset'>, entity_type:asset, asset_type:listed>

The self-contained test case

This is a very minimal case of the actual schema I am trying to map to Python.

Please re-construct the test case in a MySQL or other database. I have attached files that re-construct the test case for you.

The test files are:

  1. - The test code.
  2. test_db_create.sql - Creates the simple test schema
  3. test_result.txt - The odd output of the test.
  4. table_listing.txt - A quick glance at the test schema tables.

The Platfrom

  • Python 2.7.6
  • SQLAlchemy 0.8.4
  • mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.38, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.3
  • The test example uses the MySQL InnoDB engine.
  • Ubuntu 14.04.01

Feel free to contact me. This issue is critical to my project and I cannot re-design the dependent table schema.

Kind regards, Justin

Comments (8)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    in fact with joined inheritance this feature is probably not possible at all, unless very expensive "with polymorphic" is used for all subclasses. SQLAlchemy doesn't by default join to all the sub-tables when doing polymorphic loading as this is inefficient. But a scheme where every table is required in order to determine the correct type requires that all tables are joined in. It's not very practical.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    sorry you went through all that trouble! hope the doc note helps others in the future...

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