ordering by a label present in an `alias` will create an invalid query

Issue #3335 resolved
jvanasco created an issue

this is a new issue with 1.0.0b2 and Postgres. i am not sure if other databases will fail.

this is a bit of an confusing to describe, so bear with me.

i made an example, but it is confusing too!


the issue is in the interplay of aliased columns and an "ORDER BY"

If the ordering column's name is the same as a column name in the aliased "select", then an ordering will be applied to the column in the aliased select -- which breaks a GROUP BY. if the column name is not in the aliased select, then the ordering will be generated as a bareword -- which is the valid query.

  • query_form_a this worked in 0.9.9, it does not work in 1.0.0b2

    line 100 applies a 'event_timestamp' label over the 'event_timestamp' column. line 110 sorts on 'event_timestamp'

    This will output 0.9.9 ORDER BY event_timestamp DESC 1.0.0b2 ORDER BY q_stream.event_timestamp DESC

  • query form b this did not work in 0.9.9 and does not work in 1.0.0b2 just shown for comparison

    line 137 we select an 'event_timestamp' column line 147 sorts on 'event_timestamp'

  • query form c this works on 0.9.9 and 1.0.0b2 however it requires a column renaming

    line 174 we select the 'event_timestamp' column and rename it 'timestamp_renamed' line 184 sorts on 'timestamp_renamed'

    This will output 0.9.9 ORDER BY timestamp_renamed DESC 1.0.0b2 ORDER BY timestamp_renamed DESC

note: i used the following sqlalchemy connection string so it would hit the DB and raise the query exceptions for postgres. i found that easier than inspecting the sql in a memory engine. user - sqlalchemy_test password - sqla database - sqlalchemy_test

Comments (8)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    also, if you wrap your name in text("foo"), then it will work exactly like 0.9. So that might be what we're doing here.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    there is probably a bug here which is that the "order_by" should be catching the outermost expression.

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    yup, here's the patch

    diff --git a/lib/sqlalchemy/sql/selectable.py b/lib/sqlalchemy/sql/selectable.py
    index 6520f08..b5a7489 100644
    --- a/lib/sqlalchemy/sql/selectable.py
    +++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/sql/selectable.py
    @@ -2680,7 +2680,8 @@ class Select(HasPrefixes, HasSuffixes, GenerativeSelect):
             only_froms = dict(
                 (c.key, c) for c in
                 _select_iterables(self.froms) if c._allow_label_resolve)
    -        with_cols.update(only_froms)
    +        for key, value in only_froms.items():
    +            with_cols.setdefault(key, value)
             return with_cols, only_froms
  4. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • Fixed bug in new "label resolution" feature of 🎫2992 where the string label placed in the order_by() or group_by() of a statement would place higher priority on the name as found inside the FROM clause instead of a more locally available name inside the columns clause. fixes #3335

    → <<cset c09c21c9f318>>

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