sqlalchemy 1.0.0 does not allow specifying a join more than once

Issue #3367 resolved
Charles-Axel Dein created an issue

I'm upgrading a codebase to sqlalchemy 1.0.0beta5 from 0.9.9.

It seems that version 1 removed the ability to be forgiving about mentioning a join twice:


This will raise with postgres: ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) table name "toasts" specified more than once

The same query run with sqla 0.9.9 runs fine, because I guess it removes the duplicate join.

I'm not sure that can be considered a regression given that joins should not be mentioned more than once, but it's definitely a different behavior from 0.9.9

Comments (8)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Hmmm well I'd have to figure out what change that's part of. very odd 0.9 let that through.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    0.9 seems to auto-alias the second join:

    SELECT a.id 
    FROM a JOIN b ON a.id = b.a_id JOIN b AS b_1 ON a.id = b_1.a_id
  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    there's an inconsistency in these two forms:


    in that the first one, because it is "pathed", will dedupe, but the second, because it is just a FROM, will not. In fact the dedupe case should probably warn because that's not quite how that logic is supposed to be used.

  4. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • Identified an inconsistency when handling :meth:.Query.join to the same target more than once; it implicitly dedupes only in the case of a relationship join, and due to 🎫3233, in 1.0 a join to the same table twice behaves differently than 0.9 in that it no longer erroneously aliases. To help document this change, the verbiage regarding 🎫3233 in the migration notes has been generalized, and a warning has been added when :meth:.Query.join is called against the same target relationship more than once. fixes #3367

    → <<cset 2bc8c92279a1>>

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